Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Postcard #7

This week's postcard is dedicated to Sharon, as encouragement for her heart project. The heart is cut from a beautiful scrapbook paper I have, I love the bright pink swirls. Have a great week!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Postcard 6

This month's theme is black and white, and this week's bonus color is lime green (I used it in the stitching). For this block, I cut 3/4" strips of black and white fabrics, in increasing value, then I 'weaved' the strips, after running a stitch along the top of the white strips to hold it in place, and wove it all on top of a piece of fusible web.

Then I trimmed it down to 4"x6", stitched down the strips with variegated thread, then stitched it on top of a postcard. Such fun. This postcard reminds me of my mom, since she once saw a quilt in a book that was made to look like woven strips and searched for a long time to find that book again, having not written down the reference the first time around (I hate it when that happens).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Postcard 5

This month's color scheme is black and white, with a color thrown in. I went with pink again. Although now I wish I had done orange. Well, this postcard was fun to make, though a little tedious. It is 4"x6" like the rest of them. But this one is all paper-pieced. Then I didn't make sure the points all lined up when sewing the rows together. It feels a lot like throwing gold down a sewage ditch down the street... but again, this is all a learning experience for me. At least I IRON everything now, finally. Anyway, then I went and blew it some more by putting on that weird stitching. But then I started doodling and that was kind of fun.


I've wanted to try this for a long time but never got around to it. I got both a piece of linoleum and a 'sheet' of eraser. I cut a 1" x 1" square from the eraser and cut away this shape of a flower. It was a very shallow cut and I had paint issues (white acrylic). I'm excited about this technique and this is my first cut. I printed it onto purple cardstock with white paint.

Monday, March 3, 2008

LS Series, Postcard 4

This month we are doing black and white in the series, with one other color, which changes each week. This week it's pink. I don't think we really picked a shape. Here is my postcard for this week: